Friday, April 2, 2010


Can someone help me track this bastard down? I must have this! I don't care if the game sucks, it's Ghostbusters, so therefore, I must own.

Monday, March 22, 2010


No, really! Ask away-

Saturday, March 6, 2010


SO I've been a supervisor for just over a week now. I have never held this title at any job I've ever had, so this is new for me, I gotta tell you.

With (most) of my anxiety issues behind me, I find some of them creeping back again, as I am worried that I won't do a great job right out of the gate, and look like a failure as a supervisor to MY supervisors. But it's only been a week, and I am starting to get the hang of most of what is expected of me, but I know there is a LOT more to do, especially when the warmer weather hits, and we start to get crazy busy.

Right now, I'm "in charge" of 7 or so guys, but come warmer weather, that number will jump up to 18-20. Yikes. Most of these guys I haven't worked with for five years, and the guy they remember (me) was not the worker I am now. I admit- I was a tad lazy back then, taking shortcuts with the job, etc. Haven't been "that guy" since 2006.
But I guess I also fret about those fellas taking orders from the "Chris of old", and not wanting any part of it.

But that's just my idiosyncrasies acting up, I guess. My wife tells me that the brass wouldn't have promoted me, had they not felt I'd be up for the job, so....

I *do* feel some resentment from some of the other fellas in the York Region office, as I have only been there for 7 months, and am now a supervisor, but I have to say- in those 7 months, I busted my ass to make money and make a name for myself there.

I am trying to do a good job with this new promotion, but I get all fretty when I call my bosses, asking them what I should do when a particular situation arises, yet I have had no training to BE a super, so why am I getting tense when I make those calls?

I really dont want the super-anxt to come back, like it did last year. I got a GOOD thing going on here with this company, and I certainly don't want to blow it.

More on this, as the weeks go by.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New "Kick-Ass" trailer!

For those not in the know, "Kick-Ass" is an ULTRA-violent comicbook miniseries from Marvel Comics, and it is filled to the brim with hardcore violence, language, and intense action scenes.

Lionsgate Films has stepped up, and decided to make this terrific mini series into a feature film, starring Nicolas Cage (a self-professed comic geek), and the guy that played "McLovin" in "Superbad" (Not gonna look his name up)

From what I have seen in the various trailers, this flick is 100 percent faithful to the source material, like "Sin City", and "300".

This clip is EXTREMELEY Not Safe For Work, so be warned.

I can't wait to check this movie out.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Brand New Day

Hey everyone-

It has been FAR too long since my last blog post; there's been a LOT of stuff that has happened to me since I last posted. Let's run those down, shall we?

- I lost my job.
Yeah- I lost my job for perhaps, the stupidest reason ever: I wasnt wearing my hard hat on a road job here in Barrie. The on site safety inspector TOOK MY PICTURE and sent it to the president of the company that I work for, and suffice it to say, shit does indeed, roll downhill. My boss's boss had no choice but to let me go, to make an example of me for the rest of the company. Being one of the top workers in the company, it was certainly a shock to all my fellow employees. More of a shock to my wife, cause...

-We had another child!
When I lost my job, my wife was 9 months pregnant, so we were freaking out, but I was able to procure another job at another company inside two days, so that was a relief.
But anyway- on Wednesday, August 26th, Daniel Charles Norris was welcomed into the world, and the Norris family.
Yes- his name is "Danny Chuck Norris". Too cool.
He's now 6 months old, and happy and healthy as a horse.
Here's a pic of the cutie-

He's insanely cute, innit he?

-I started a new job.

The guys I work for are wicked cool. They love the work I do for them, and I've been recently made supervisor of the Barrie office, and that starts next week! Yay!

I have been neglecting this blog for MONTHS, and I am certainly gonna try to post more often.

Hopefully, you readers have been sticking with me, and will stick around for a little while longer.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jim Lee's "MAYHEM" cover!

It's a tragedy that DC is wasting an immense talent such as Lee's. It'll be awesome if he ever gets released from his contract and firesout some QUALITY work for image or Marvel again, I'll tell you that much.

This "mayhem" comic- I know zilch about it, other than it's written by the actor known as "Tyrese", last seen in "Transformers", so...but top quality artists such as Rob Liefeld and Todd McFarlane have contributed sketces for the campaign, and Image is REALLY hyping this, I may just have to buy it and take a look.

*click to view this whole bad boy in all it's glory*

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ghostbusters/Liefeld mash up!

Just for shits and giggles- lemme know whatcha think-